Value-added services
Item | Fee | Condition |
Payment Handling Fee | 3.85% of the credited amount | Payment handling fee of 3.85% is charged to the company that receives the credits. Does not apply for credits related to container sale in the trading marketplace. Payment handling fee is non-refundable if there are adjusts due to late reporting of data. |
Trading Buyer Protection | 1.95% of the purchase price | Payment handling fee of 1.95% of the purchase price is charged to the buyer as “Buyer Protection” in the deal. The payment handling fee is non-refundable in case the deal is cancelled by the buyer after payment. |
Tracking Premium | USD 0.25 / container / month | Applicable for containers successfully tracked in our tracking premium service in a month. |
Additional User Seats | USD 49 | Per month, per user, for the # of active accounts that exceed the max # of users of the plan. |
Additional Container Batches | USD 249 | Per month per each additional batch of 100 containers started, that exceeds the max. Containers under management of the plan. |
Wallet Top-up | – | No Fees apply for wallet top-ups |
Wallet Payout (own account) | – | No Fees apply for balance payouts to own account |
Item | Fee | Condition |
T4S Handling Fee | 3.7% of the credited amount | The company receiving credits from T4S will be subject to a handling fee of 3.7%. However, this fee does not pertain to credits associated with buying or selling tanks on the Buy & Sell platform. It is important to be aware that the handling fee cannot be refunded. |
Buy & Sell Handling fee | $95/ISO Tank & $25/Flexi Tank | The buyer in the deal will incur a handling fee of $95 per Iso Tank and $25 per Flexi Tank. It is essential to be aware that this handling fee cannot be refunded if the buyer decides to cancel the deal. |
Extra User Station | USD 40 | Each month, there will be an additional charge per user for each active account that exceeds the maximum number of users allowed by the plan. |
Additional tanks on operation | USD.215 | For every additional set of 120 containers initiated per month, exceeding the maximum number of tanks allowed under the plan, there will be a monthly fee applied.. |
Ledger Top-up | – | No charge |
Ledger Payout (owner of account) | – | No charge |